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Wrangler's must see at Fieldays

A must see at this years' Fieldays is the Wrangler site at F60.

The ever popular Wranglers are even more essential this year with a high payout and high cow prices. Ensuring the herd is healthy is vitally important and the Wrangler helps from tip to toe.

The Wrangler holds the cow securely but also allows the operator lots of access for examination. The one crush lets you tag the herd, check an animal for pink eye, hold her from going down during calving, perform a ceasarian, or treat hooves. Many farmers buy it for hoof care but get double use out of it by setting it up in the paddock during calving, saving walking cows to the shed to calve. The rest of the year they have it set up at the shed for hoof or other examination.

One of the secrets to its popularity is the under belly girths which hold the cow and prevent her from falling during calving, caesarean, or hoof treatment. The Wranglers strong, no-fuss design perfect for constant use with little maintenance, and can be used by people of any size or strength. Its real kiwi ingenuity though, is in hoof care.

Hoof care must be easy and quick so that staff will do it today and not put it off until tomorrow or later still. With the cow and her hooves securely held workers can take their time looking at hooves without worry of being injured.

Not having to rush means staff become more proficient at hoof care and getting hooves done straight away means they get dealt with before becoming serious. Eliminating or reducing lameness would save most farmers tens of thousands of dollars each year in lost production and costs.

Since being launched at Fieldays in 1995 Wranglers are now in sheds up and down New Zealand and are an essential component of new shed designs as well as existing sheds and vet races. The range includes top of the line Pro models for veterinarians, Race units for at the cowshed, and Premier Wranglers for mobile paddock or run off use.

Check out the Wrangler range and this years’ enhancements at the show or phone 0800 HOOVES for more information.

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